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Who is Robert Elland?

Robert Elland is a fictional writer who writes actual books – the sub conscious alter ego of Rich Musgrave. It's all a bit confusing to be honest.

Who is Rich Musgrave?

Rich Musgrave is an English writer, musician and teacher who also worked as an archaeologist, badminton racket seller, milk carton replacer and super top secret agent for MI6.

He also tried to work for Stafford Council Parks & Gardens Department (1 day - too strenuous), and on a farm (half an hour - too stinky) but did once get a smile out of Will Self on Blackfriars Bridge, so that was something.

He writes for magazines, for his own amusement and for small amounts of money; anything to avoid real work.

Currently supposedly trying to collate pieces for a collection of some of his previous writing (‘Long shorts, short shorts and very short shorts’) and working on a novel (‘The Bell’) he actually just sits around watching cricket and inventing silly names for non-existent American soap stars such as Brag Smurfield, Snog Bullfield, Smurgfield Mogseed, Sneed Boggs, Wiffy Smogseed, Woofy Sidehorn, Homrid Hornseed, Varney Barnet, Crelm Tots and Poogie Van der Froot.

Actually, one of those is real. No, really, it is. Or is it?


Robert/Rich’s first novel ‘Love and Light and Marzipan’ was published on June 28th 2023 and is available from all the usual places and hopefully some unusual ones too. Enquiries:


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